In this CIO Straight Talk Tweet chat, our expert panel of industry insiders come together to discuss how the “software-defined world” is changing life and business globally. Here are some highlights from the chat.
Join an eminent panel for Tweetchat on how a software-defined world is affecting the way enterprises work #STinsights 8th Nov | 11:30 AM EST pic.twitter.com/a6dCFIFp6M — CIO Straight Talk (@CIOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
Starting with the most important stakeholders - the customers.
We are going live with the #tweetchat. Here's the 1st question. #STinsights pic.twitter.com/7mvLhHMkPM — CTO Straight Talk (@CTOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
Customer experience will never be the same.
We have a disruptive #value shift to #Software - one of responsiveness, connectivity & trust - and agility, efficiency & capacity to scale. With ever rising customer expectations, this represents a real opportunity to drive enhancements in experience #STinsights #IoT #extratime — Sally Eaves (@sallyeaves) November 9, 2017
A1: software defined solutions and continuous delivery allow companies to provide real-time solutions and responses to customers, which drives delight and builds brand affinity #STinsights — mike d. kail (@mdkail) November 8, 2017
Perfect! Thus, quicker time to innovation. #STinsights — Antonio Figueiredo (@afigueiredo) November 8, 2017
A1 Software-defined world brings a natural progression of virtualized world providing a scale-out virtual computing platforms #STinsights — Antonio Figueiredo (@afigueiredo) November 8, 2017
A1-1 It will be a #cognitive world where the role of augmented #AI is going to be a part of our daily lives #STinsights. pic.twitter.com/KSoMrzZeXQ — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
It will make every physical asset a reconfigurable and redefinable asset driven by #software capabilities and rapid #OTA update #STinsights. pic.twitter.com/pGZPxORyXb — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
Q1 - Customers are likely to have even higher expectations around the speed of delivery of new services and capabilities, rightly so ! #STinsights pic.twitter.com/saVhftmcDg — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
A1. #STinsights Today’s digital consumer demands an ON-Demand experience! - What we want - When we want it - Where we want it In real-time! Software defined solutions make on-demand right time delivery possible! — Brian Fanzo #SMMW18 Speaker (@iSocialFanz) November 8, 2017
Q1 an even faster pace of change, although customers may not see it - software changes are frequent, small & often go unnoticed #STInsights — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
Software-defined work in enterprises is next.
Time for our second question. Join the conversation using #STinsights pic.twitter.com/PxnUs3N7ft — CTO Straight Talk (@CTOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
Everything from OPEX to time-to-market will be impacted by software.
a2 - i guess first off what is 'The Software Defined Enterprise' ? possible definition ? https://t.co/nCVIRtWYZa #SoftwareDefined #STinsights pic.twitter.com/3GqgLNq2ng — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
A2: This new "software-defined world" allows Enterprises to innovate faster and deliver new and continuous solutions and updates to market. De-couple from the heavy 'rack and stack' hardware. #STinsights — mike d. kail (@mdkail) November 8, 2017
Thank GOD… the quicker we eliminate these legacy machines and move away from those on-prem solutions that bog down everything and create their own silos the better the enterprise will be! #STinsights — Brian Fanzo #SMMW18 Speaker (@iSocialFanz) November 8, 2017
#STinsights #enterprises based on physical size will become smaller as #distribution issues are removed conversely #marketing is subsumed into #releasemanagement https://t.co/vuOtnVnZFZ — Karl Smith (@UserExperienceU) November 8, 2017
And we go deeper into the business realities.
But will the ROI be justified in a short run? Most of the CFOs, CEOs think cost (rather than competency and future proofeness) as biggest challenge for migration to new age technologies #STinsights — CDO Straight Talk (@CDOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
ROI in short run shouldn’t be the main concern…. Digital transformation is happening and if you aren’t onboard you’ll be run over and out of a job… ROI in long-term will come but you must innovate and change today! #embracechange #STinsights — Brian Fanzo #SMMW18 Speaker (@iSocialFanz) November 8, 2017
.mahbubulalam What products -- besides cars! -- are most ripe for constant software updates #STinsights @CTOStraightTalk — Paul Hemp (@paul_hemp) November 8, 2017
.@paul_hemp .@CTOStraightTalk #STinsights All electronics appliances, #wearable , #smartdevices, mass #transit pic.twitter.com/74Sxr6mfkY — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
.@nigewillson Examples of disposable hardware? #STinsights @CTOStraightTalk — Paul Hemp (@paul_hemp) November 8, 2017
amazon dash, low end security cameras, iot sensors - things where the cost to dev an update it great than the device cost #stinisghts btw feel free to disagree ;) — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
But will the executives go for it?
How to convince the decision makers but? #STinsights — CDO Straight Talk (@CDOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
Tell them to look for the disputers approaching their business & the business value they can leverage #STinsights — Antonio Figueiredo (@afigueiredo) November 8, 2017
A2-1 Reduction of OPEX, leveraging #SDN architecture (#COTS / generic hardware) & deploy best-of-breed #software #STinsights. — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
The question of consumer preference and culture remains.
Keep the questions coming! Here’s our third question for the forum. Join the conversation using #STinsights pic.twitter.com/Yrn0xZyAp7 — CTO Straight Talk (@CTOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
And once again, customer experience will be the final judge.
A3-1 Consumer satisfaction depends on the #TCO. Things of lower TCO value, consumers want to buy a new device more frequently #STinsights — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
A3: I believe that Tesla has already proven that software updates can provide continuous delight to customers instead of 'hardware gratification' #STinsights — mike d. kail (@mdkail) November 8, 2017
A3-3 #STinsights Sustainable products like fire alarms need more #software updates as labor costs of replacement increases the #TCO. — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
Consumers today don’t get excited by what they buy…. They get excited by HOW it will impact them and WHY it will change their lives! It’s the CMO’s job to change the focus from “what we sell” to why and how we sell focused on experiences enabled! #STinsights https://t.co/paRjY45T7G — Brian Fanzo #SMMW18 Speaker (@iSocialFanz) November 8, 2017
a3 - As my friend @airbagmoments reminded me - software wont change my LED TV to an OLED TV - hardware refreshes will still be common #STinsights — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
#CustomerExperience is fundamentally changed by #softwaredrivensociety as #attribution is and #apportion is based upon #function and experience not #aspiration or #marketing #STinsights https://t.co/NhRGIefqHX — Karl Smith (@UserExperienceU) November 8, 2017
A3 When was the last time you walked into a bank to pay a bill? Software defined world brings you convenience #STinsights — Antonio Figueiredo (@afigueiredo) November 8, 2017
a3 - Will consumers be satisfied with just a software update ? Nope & I rest my case :) #STinsights #iPhoneX queues pic.twitter.com/OpwYnhZo5S — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
But will software eat the world? Should other players worry?
This is such an insightful session. Here’s our fourth question. Join the conversation using #STinsights pic.twitter.com/TMu3ovRSyh — CTO Straight Talk (@CTOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
And one cannot exist without the other.
A4: much like with relationships, choose your partners wisely #STinsights — mike d. kail (@mdkail) November 8, 2017
A4-1 #STinsights .@CTOStraightTalk Make #hardware software-definable, that will increase the value of the hardware (#software-defined hardware). — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
A4-2 #STinsights .@CTOStraightTalk Tighter integration of #software & #hardware in order to provide better consumer experience, eg. #iPhone . — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
A4-3 #STinsights .@CTOStraightTalk System providers should focus on #consumer experience by combining #hardware and #software pic.twitter.com/l3vB7KSNHa — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
Infrastructure, contrary to some opinions, is more important than ever in a software-defined world. Whether on-prem or distributed, must be secure, reliable & centered on capabilities that reinforce #CX—even for decentralized #blockchain efforts! #STInsights #CyberSecurity #IaaS — Ian Gertler (@IanGertler) November 8, 2017
#Hardware companies need to accept a new role with greater #opportunity for #profit on volume and #alwayson capabilities as premium services and less #visibility #STinsights https://t.co/FTolQWKmqA — Karl Smith (@UserExperienceU) November 8, 2017
And now, the cases where software was the winning differentiator.
Here’s our final official question to the panel—but keep shooting YOUR questions, using #STinsights pic.twitter.com/kjPADA294u — CTO Straight Talk (@CTOStraightTalk) November 8, 2017
The number of success stories continues to grow.
A5: General Electric would be a non-obvious answer with their software-defined machines initiative(s) #STinsights — mike d. kail (@mdkail) November 8, 2017
.@CTOStraightTalk #STinsights #SDN allows enterprises to avoid appliance vendor locking. SDN allows enterprises to select best-of-breed #software and #Services . — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
A5-2 .#STinsights #Software Defined Car #architecture for #AutonomousVehicles — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
A5 Companies like Uber and AirBnB wouldn't scale and succeed quickly if they haven't adopted cloud and this virtual world that is becoming a commodity #STinsights — Antonio Figueiredo (@afigueiredo) November 8, 2017
.#STinsights Trust is absolutely paramount. We have many examples of Trusted Platform like @Uber @lyft @Airbnb where user inputs are incorporated into decision making. — Mahbubul Alam (@mahbubulalam) November 8, 2017
Until next time…
Thanks for inviting me @CIOStraightTalk - great #TweetChat ! #STinsights pic.twitter.com/wA6DadRtMc — Nige Willson (@nigewillson) November 8, 2017
